
Useful Information

Emergency numbers

  • 112

    European Emergency Number

  • 116117

    Emergency doctor service

By Car

From Milan: A4 motorway, “Brescia est” exit.

From Verona and Venice: A4 motorway, “Brescia est” exit. Continue along the SS 45 bis towards Valle Sabbia.

From Austria/Germany: A22 motorway, “Trento” exit, direction “Tione di Trento”, then continue towards Lake Idro.


By Train

The city of Brescia is well connected with several routes from Milan, Bergamo and Verona.
Check the website

From here, to get to Vallesabbia, you have to follow the directions in “By Bus” or “By Car” sections.


By Bus

At the SIA bus station in Brescia (very close to the railway station) several buses leave for Valle Sabbia. The main line is the “n. 202 Brescia-Vestone”, or “Brescia-Bagolino”.

Take a look at the website to always check updated timetables.


By Plane

Nearby Valle Sabbia there are some airports, the closest is the one of Bergamo or Verona.
Orio al Serio Airport-Bergamo:

Valerio Catullo Airport-Verona Villafranca:

Marco Polo Airport-Venice:

Malpensa Airport-Milan:

Gavardo Hospital
via A. Gosa, 74 – 25085 Gavardo (BS)
0365 378398


  • How to get there by car: take the “Statale 45 bis” and then to via Gosa 74”.
  • How to get there by bus: take the bus line “Brescia-Lake Garda/Valsabbia”.


  • Brescia’s Ospedali Civili

Piazzale Giovanni Xxiii 4 – 25125 Brescia (BS)

030 39951 


How to get there by car: take “Brescia Ovest” exit from the A4 motorway, take Via Orzinuovi, west ring road, then take Via Guglielmo Oberdan/SP237, up to your destination.

How to get there by bus: Bus Line 10, from the North towards Poncarale; from the South towards Concesio.
Bus Line 15, from the South towards Montini; from the North towards Noce/Girelli.
Bus Line 16, from the East towards Onzato/Castelmella; from the West towards Verrocchio.
Bus Line 17, from the South towards Hospital.

How to get there by subway: “Europa” stop. If you arrive from the North you have to take “Sant’Eufemia-Buffalora” direction, while if you arrive from the South you have to take “Prealpino” direction.

Anfo: on Fridays, in Calcaterra Street.
Bagolino and Ponte Caffaro: on Tuesdays.
Barghe: the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, in Giarrelli Street.
Bione: on Tuesdays, in Caduti Square.
Capovalle: on Thursdays, in XXIV° May Square
Gavardo: on Wednesdays in Aldo Moro Square, in della Ferrovia Street and Schiave Street.
Idro: on Wednesdays in Lungo Lago Vittoria Street, in Crone.
Odolo: on Tuesdays in Praes Street.
Sabbio Chiese: on Mondays (every 15 days) in Caduti Street.
Serle: on Tuesdays in Mercato Square.
Treviso Bresciano: on Saturdays in Mercato Square.
Vestone: on the first Monday of the month in Garibaldi Square and in Nozza.
Villanuova sul Clisi: on Fridays in Donatori di Sangue Street.
Vobarno: on Fridays in Posta Street, Chiusure Street and Castegnino Street.

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